Our Vision

A poverty-free world.

Our Mission

Ending poverty through job creation, education & empowerment.

The Problem

Poverty is the root of many evils - the global crises that plague our world today. Poverty leads to starvation, a rise in the number of orphans, violence, refugee crisis, human trafficking, and the list goes on... If we can end poverty, we can help save lives.

But tackling poverty is no easy feat - it will take conscious and mindful solutions to break the cycle and bring healing to our world.

Our Solution

We are on a mission to make an impact.

At Impactful Missions, we are passionate about finding long-term and sustainable solutions to ending global poverty. Through education and dignified employment, we are uplifting people with a hand-up, breaking the cycle of poverty, and elevating entire communities.

This is a delicate balancing act of satisfying basic needs while creating sustainable programs for individuals to rise above the poverty line - putting their future back in their hands.

At the end of the day, it’s about the mothers, fathers, and all the children. If we can impact one life, one family, one village... then perhaps we can impact a nation.

How We Transform Lives


We raise up future leaders in the community through accessible education - from preschool to university. We invest in the youth through scholarships, tutoring programs, and more. We ensure that vulnerable youths receive a proper education, often exceeding that of their parents.


We invest in micro-enterprises and job opportunities - purchasing from artisan partners who employ local people, providing capital for families to start businesses, and training to help businesses thrive. We give people a hand-up with sustainable jobs so they can create a brighter future.


We respond with immediate relief in poverty-stricken areas - providing food for survival, rebuilding homes for secure shelter, and giving medical aid to those in need. We help take care of these basic needs so families will have a secure foundation to build up their life.

We are changing lives.

Thank you for investing in the people of Haiti since 2013!

Together, we can end poverty.

“Many hands make the load lighter.” - Old Haitian Proverb